ADJECTIVE: Force of character,
determination,or nerve.

Moxie Founder & CEO
Val Yakovchik
Nearly six years ago, my mom and I founded MoxieLash. In the beginning, we experimented with various products and my mom shipped out the few orders we received. It was a slow start, filled with trial and error, but my mom's unwavering love and support gave me the tenacity to never give up.
With dedication and perseverance, the universe began to conspire in our favor. When there seemed to be no way, a path revealed itself, and when we faced impossible hurdles, the world showed us a way through.
Our first break came in late 2017 with the successful launch of our original magnetic lashes. However, it was the introduction of our first to market magnetic eyeliner in September 2018 that propelled us to new heights, and we haven't looked back since.
I am grateful to dedicate my life's work to ensuring that MoxieLash matures into an iconic brand in the beauty space, with integrity and a positive impact for all. I invite you to join us on this journey and help us achieve this goal.

Moxie Chief of product
I was born and raised in Puerto Rico, where my mother, a skilled cosmetologist, instilled in me a love for beauty. While studying Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, I also worked as a freelance makeup artist. In 2014, I moved to the United States where my passion for makeup artistry took center stage, and I launched a YouTube Channel to broadcast my instructional videos, which were quickly scouted by MoxieLash.
When I first met Val, I believed in his enthusiasm, vision, and hands-on approach with his business goals. And to this day, he remains extremely dedicated and committed to putting our customers first. Creating products that exceed expectations is our top priority, and your continued support has carried us through some challenging times.
MoxieLash has been instrumental in my personal and professional journey as a seasoned beauty expert. Being part of a small startup space and seeing something be built from the ground up has been a beautiful experience. This challenge has been a true blessing, and we hope to maintain the close-knit, small town connection that MoxieLash has always represented, no matter how much we grow.
“Helping Millions of Women with the power of innovative beauty is my passion and a dream come true”